Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
6/19/2019 - 7:00 PM  
21.9 Assignment of CAPITAL FUND Architectural/Engineering Services Task for “Multiple Schools Building Envelope Restoration Group B Schools”, RFP 420-19-02 to Fuller & D’Angelo Architects & Planners, P.C. under a standing requirements contract No. 617108 in an amount not to exceed $544,450.00. Term is for 730 calendar days.  
District Goals:
File Attachment:
F&D CIP STATUS ao 4-16-2019.pdf
F&D Proposal Revised.pdf
Res 16.9 3-22-2018.pdf
Res 20.3 5-15-2019.pdf
Via Resolution 20.3 at their stated meeting on May 15, 2019 the Board of Trustees amended a requirements contract 617108 to Fuller & D’Angelo Architects and Planners, P.C. (F&D) increasing the upper limit of their contract to $2,500,000.

This resolution is to assign the task of providing professional architectural and engineering designs for SED permitting, bidding and construction administration services for the Multiple School’s Building Envelope Project Group “B” Schools having a total project cost of $8.1 million. Group B schools include School 29, Palisades Prep, PEARLS Hawthorn, Gorton H.S., and Thomas Cornell School. Building envelope scope work will include but not be limited to restoration of roofs, masonry parapets and façade, flashings and requisite asbestos abatement. By bundling multiple schools of the same scope of work into one project it is expected YPS will reduce costs from efficiencies gained in the design, bid and build phases versus stand-alone projects.

F&D is one of five firms under a standing requirements contract with the District that were awarded as a result of the issuance of RFQ313 in 2017. Of the five, they are the best suited to effectively meet the NYSED Facilities Planning Group requirements for the design, permitting, bidding and construction administration of the project.

FOCUS POPULATION: School 29, Palisades Prep, PEARLS Hawthorn, Gorton H.S., and Thomas Cornell School

ASSESSMENT PROCESS: School Facilities Management will be reviewing the designer’s work and monitoring the construction schedule through on-site inspections, daily progress meetings and record keeping.
B5529CP110867.B19C02.B2046A1620, $198,321.00
B5741CP110868.B19C02.B2046A1620, $67,834.00
B5546CP110869.B19C02.B2046A1620, $169,224.00
B5752CP110870.B19C02.B2046A1620, $31,598.00
B5510CP110871.B19C02.B2046A1620, $77,473.00
Ladies and Gentlemen:

WHEREAS: under Resolution 17.5 at the stated meeting on January 20, 2016, the Board of Education authorized the award of Contract 617108, a requirements based, professional Architectural/Engineering services contract to Fuller & D’Angelo Architects and Planners, P.C. in response to District RFQ 313 “Architectural & Engineering Services for the School Facilities Management Department” for an amount not to exceed $1 million, and

WHEREAS: under Resolution 20.3 at their stated meeting on May 15, 2019 the Board of Trustees amended a requirements contract 617108 to Fuller & D’Angelo Architects and Planners, P.C. (F&D) increasing the upper limit of their contract to $2,500,000, and

WHEREAS: architectural and/or engineering services as specified under Contract 617108 are required for the “Multiple Schools Building Envelope Restoration for the Group B Schools” listed under RFP-420-02, and

WHEREAS: F&D is uniquely qualified among the responders to RFQ 313 for this type of development and has submitted an acceptable proposal to complete the above work for a fee not to exceed $544,450.00 for a term of 730 calendar days.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of Schools is hereby authorized to assign Fuller and D’Angelo Architects and Planners, P.C., Road 45 Knollwood Road, Elmsford, New York 10523 to the task of providing professional Architectural/Engineering for the “Multiple Schools Building Envelope Restoration for the Group B Schools” listed under RFP-420-02 for an amount not to exceed $544,450.00 and for a term of 730 calendar days.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
John Carr - Executive Director
Signed By:  
Lee Pavone - Mechanical Engineer
Signed By:  
Finance Department - Finance Reviewer
Signed By:  
Tom Collich - Purchasing Director
Signed By:  
Elizabeth Janocha - Deputy Commissioner
Signed By:  
John Liszewski - Commissioner
Signed By:  
Dr._Andrea_S. Coddett - Deputy Superintendent
Signed By:  
Dr. Edwin M. Quezada - Superintendent of Schools
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Kevin Cacace Moved, Member Dr._Ammir Rabadi seconded to approve the Original motion 'Ladies and Gentlemen:

WHEREAS: under Resolution 17.5 at the stated meeting on January 20, 2016, the Board of Education authorized the award of Contract 617108, a requirements based, professional Architectural/Engineering services contract to Fuller & D’Angelo Architects and Planners, P.C. in response to District RFQ 313 “Architectural & Engineering Services for the School Facilities Management Department” for an amount not to exceed $1 million, and

WHEREAS: under Resolution 20.3 at their stated meeting on May 15, 2019 the Board of Trustees amended a requirements contract 617108 to Fuller & D’Angelo Architects and Planners, P.C. (F&D) increasing the upper limit of their contract to $2,500,000, and

WHEREAS: architectural and/or engineering services as specified under Contract 617108 are required for the “Multiple Schools Building Envelope Restoration for the Group B Schools” listed under RFP-420-02, and

WHEREAS: F&D is uniquely qualified among the responders to RFQ 313 for this type of development and has submitted an acceptable proposal to complete the above work for a fee not to exceed $544,450.00 for a term of 730 calendar days.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of Schools is hereby authorized to assign Fuller and D’Angelo Architects and Planners, P.C., Road 45 Knollwood Road, Elmsford, New York 10523 to the task of providing professional Architectural/Engineering for the “Multiple Schools Building Envelope Restoration for the Group B Schools” listed under RFP-420-02 for an amount not to exceed $544,450.00 and for a term of 730 calendar days.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 6 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 6 - 0
Rev. Steve Lopez     Yes
Judith_Ramos Meier     Yes
Andrea Brown     Yes
Kevin Cacace     Yes
Dr._Ammir Rabadi     Yes
Dr. Rosalba Corrado Del Vecchio     Yes