Meeting Date:
21.39 CHANGE ORDER 1 for CAPITAL P.O. 2018-00000306, Plumbing Contract, CIP10818 “Remediation Plumbing Work” District Wide to Joseph Lombardo Plumbing and Heating, for the amount of $58,995.46; increasing the contract amount from $106,900.00 to $165,895.46 and extending their term an additional 270 days. |
District Goals:
File Attachment:
A change order is a written agreement between the District and its contractor to change a building construction contract. They add to, delete from, or otherwise alter the work and/or progress schedule in the contract bid documents. CO’s are caused by any of three situations that can arise on a project: unforeseen conditions, design errors and omissions and owner directed extra work. This Change Order is required for owner directed extra work and unforeseen conditions. Lombardo Plumbing has been working at the direction of Eisenbach & Ruhnke Engineering, PC (E&R) and the Facilities Management Dept to replace fixtures or eliminate them throughout the District. The awarded contract was to provide on-call plumbing services to replace or permanently abandon deficient drinking water outlets as identified by the “Lead Testing in School Drinking Water” legislation 10-NYCRR Subpart 67-4, and mandating that schools across the state test drinking water for lead contamination. In order to expedite and retain a plumber to perform remedial plumbing work School Facilities Management issued a plumbing bid based on a specified number of hours which would be bid against the contractor’s hourly rates and contractor percent markup against a specified set allowance for materials. However, the quantity of hours and allowance specified in the bid was under estimated and additional hours and materials were required in order to replace or permanently abandon deficient drinking water outlets. Lombardo has been working their way through all the schools to replace failed fixtures. The effort has been tag team to replace, inspect, re-sample and re-test, and then replace more. The total value of all extra work is in the amount of $58,995.46 is required. This work is being done under capital funds and is fully aidable by the SED. |
B5303CP110818.B17C01.B2204A1620 $29,607.34 LCBF B5303CP110818.B19C02.B2204A1620 $29,388.12 LCBF |
Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS by Resolution Board Item No. 17.10 at the Board of Trustees stated meeting on November 15, 2017, contract No. 2018-00000306 was recommended for award to Joseph Lombardo Plumbing and Heating, 321 Spook Rock Road, Suffern, NY 10909 and, WHEREAS: in the course of executing the contracted work it was determined that additional work is required to be performed to complete the project in the amount of $58,995.46, increasing the overall cost of the contract from $106,900.00 to $165,895.46. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of Schools is hereby authorized to issue Change Order 1 to contract No. 2018-00000306, Plumbing Contract, CIP10818 “Remediation Plumbing Work” District Wide to Joseph Lombardo Plumbing and Heating for the amount of $58,995.46, increasing the overall cost of the contract from $106,900.00 to $165,895.46 and extending their term by 270 days. |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
John Carr - Executive Director |
Signed By: |
Jennifer Hubbard - Project Manager |
Signed By: |
Tom Collich - Purchasing Director |
Signed By: |
Finance Department - Finance Reviewer |
Signed By: |
Elizabeth Janocha - Deputy Commissioner |
Signed By: |
John Liszewski - Commissioner |
Signed By: |
Matthew Gallagher - Corporation Counsel |
Signed By: |
Dr._Andrea_S. Coddett - Deputy Superintendent |
Signed By: |
Dr. Edwin M. Quezada - Superintendent of Schools |
Vote Results:
Original Motion | Member Kevin Cacace Moved, Member Dr._Ammir Rabadi seconded to approve the Original motion 'Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS by Resolution Board Item No. 17.10 at the Board of Trustees stated meeting on November 15, 2017, contract No. 2018-00000306 was recommended for award to Joseph Lombardo Plumbing and Heating, 321 Spook Rock Road, Suffern, NY 10909 and, WHEREAS: in the course of executing the contracted work it was determined that additional work is required to be performed to complete the project in the amount of $58,995.46, increasing the overall cost of the contract from $106,900.00 to $165,895.46. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Superintendent of Schools is hereby authorized to issue Change Order 1 to contract No. 2018-00000306, Plumbing Contract, CIP10818 “Remediation Plumbing Work” District Wide to Joseph Lombardo Plumbing and Heating for the amount of $58,995.46, increasing the overall cost of the contract from $106,900.00 to $165,895.46 and extending their term by 270 days.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 6 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 6 - 0 | | | Judith_Ramos Meier | Yes | Rev. Steve Lopez | Yes | Kevin Cacace | Yes | Andrea Brown | Yes | Dr._Ammir Rabadi | Yes | Dr. Rosalba Corrado Del Vecchio | Yes | |