Meeting Date:
1/22/2020 - 7:00 PM
13.2 Interactive Health, LLC. and Roosevelt HS, Saunders HS, Pathways to Success, Language Acquisition Department and to Rescind Resolution No. 14.2 from December 18, 2019 Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) and Roosevelt/Early College Studies, Saunders High School and Yonkers Pathways to Success Program.
District Goals:
Goal 1 To educate all students for academic excellence.
File Attachment:
GML104B Interactive Health, LLC. Term: 2019-2020 school year Amount: $69,740.00 (Perkins Secondary, Adult & Bilingual Ed Grant) Scope for CTE: Execute contract with Interactive Health, LLC., to assist Saunders and Roosevelt High Schools in assembling the data needed to complete the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment mandated under the Perkins V Secondary Education Grant. Interactive Health Curriculum and Instruction Reviews offer an external examination of school and classroom practices to help schools better align instruction and assignments with readiness standards. Interactive Health customizes reviews to suit unique context of the school. Scope for Pathways to Success: Execute a contract with Interactive Health, LLC., to assist program in assembling data needed to complete the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment mandated under the Perkins V Adult Education Grant. Interactive Health Career Pathway Review uses an inquiry-based protocol that engages a team of educators, leaders and partners in reviewing data and answering focus questions. Original amount allocated to Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) will now be allocated in full to Interactive Health, LLC. Rescission of Agreement with SREB and Roosevelt HS, Saunders HS & Pathways to Success. Vendor was not able to fulfill service days required. Scope for Language Acquisition: Program evaluation services to meet the requirements of the Bilingual Education Grant. Several grant projects will be reviewed, with evaluation materials collected and analyzed.
Secondary Perkins 490.5203.20D140.2113.B2300-Saunders HS(14,000.00) 490.5203.20D140.2112.B2300-Roosevelt HS(14,000.00) Adult Perkins 490.5963.20D141.6320.B2300-YPTS($35,000.00) Bilingual Ed Grant 490.5241.20D171.2110.B2300 ($6,740.00)
WHEREAS the Board of Education wishes to enter into a contract with Interactive Health, LLC. for services to support initiatives: Roosevelt HS, Saunders HS, Pathways to Success and several Grant Projects from the Language Acquisition Department for 2019-2020 school year and to rescind agreement with Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) and Roosevelt HS, Saunders HS, Pathways to Success. WHEREAS the district administration has designed in conjunction with Interactive Health, LLC. a program which meets the objectives set forth by the Board and the New York State Education Department, and, WHEREAS the Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to enter into an agreement with Interactive Health, LLC. to provide the services, and, WHEREAS the Board of Education wishes to rescind Resolution No. 14.2 from the December 18, 2019 resolution, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; That the Board of Education hereby rescinds Resolution No. 14.2 from the December 18, 2019 stated meeting, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; That the Board of Education hereby authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to enter into an agreement with Interactive Health, LLC. at a cost not to exceed $69,740.00 (Perkins Secondary, Adult & Bilingual Ed Grant) It is acknowledged and agreed that pursuant to the terms of that certain intermunicipal agreement by and between the City of Yonkers Board of Education (“BOE”) and the City of Yonkers (the “City”) as filed in the Office of the City Clerk on June 16, 2014, the terms of this agreement are subject to review and revision by the Corporation Counsel, as well as approval by the City’s Board of Contract and Supply. Furthermore, this Agreement shall not be enforceable until signed by both parties and approved by the Corporation Counsel’s Office.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Sanah Naber - Director
Signed By:
Elaine Shine - Executive Director of School Improvement and Innovation
Signed By:
Tom Collich - Purchasing Director
Signed By:
Finance Department - Finance Reviewer
Signed By:
Elizabeth Janocha - Deputy Commissioner
Signed By:
John Liszewski - Commissioner
Signed By:
Matthew Gallagher - Corporation Counsel
Signed By:
Dr._Andrea_S. Coddett - Deputy Superintendent
Signed By:
Dr. Edwin M. Quezada - Superintendent of Schools
Vote Results:
Original Motion | Member Kevin Cacace Moved, Member Dr._Edward Fergus seconded to approve the Original motion 'WHEREAS the Board of Education wishes to enter into a contract with Interactive Health, LLC. for services to support initiatives: Roosevelt HS, Saunders HS, Pathways to Success and several Grant Projects from the Language Acquisition Department for 2019-2020 school year and to rescind agreement with Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) and Roosevelt HS, Saunders HS, Pathways to Success. WHEREAS the district administration has designed in conjunction with Interactive Health, LLC. a program which meets the objectives set forth by the Board and the New York State Education Department, and, WHEREAS the Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to enter into an agreement with Interactive Health, LLC. to provide the services, and, WHEREAS the Board of Education wishes to rescind Resolution No. 14.2 from the December 18, 2019 resolution, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; That the Board of Education hereby rescinds Resolution No. 14.2 from the December 18, 2019 stated meeting, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; That the Board of Education hereby authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to enter into an agreement with Interactive Health, LLC. at a cost not to exceed $69,740.00 (Perkins Secondary, Adult & Bilingual Ed Grant) It is acknowledged and agreed that pursuant to the terms of that certain intermunicipal agreement by and between the City of Yonkers Board of Education (“BOE”) and the City of Yonkers (the “City”) as filed in the Office of the City Clerk on June 16, 2014, the terms of this agreement are subject to review and revision by the Corporation Counsel, as well as approval by the City’s Board of Contract and Supply. Furthermore, this Agreement shall not be enforceable until signed by both parties and approved by the Corporation Counsel’s Office.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 7 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 7 - 0 | | | Rev. Steve Lopez | Yes | Judith_Ramos Meier | Yes | Kevin Cacace | Yes | Dr. Rosalba Corrado Del Vecchio | Yes | Andrea Brown | Yes | Dr._Edward Fergus | Yes | Dr. John Castanaro | Yes | |