Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 12/20/2017 - 7:00 PM
Type: Action
Subject: 20.3 Agreement with Questar Assessments, Inc. for Scoring Services of the 2018 ELA and Math Test Administration
District Goals:
Goal 1
To educate all students for academic excellence.
File Attachment:
Questar Quote Spring 2018.pdf
Questar Assessments BOCS sheet 2018.xlsx
Questar Performance Based Contract Guidelines 2018.xls
Rationale: Division of Research, Evaluation and Reporting-GML 104B
1. Questar Assessments, Inc.
Term: 2/2018-6/2018
Amount: $118,808.49
Account: 450-5231-100000-2060-B2300
Scope: To continuously meet shortened New York
State Education Department (NYSED) time lines for the mandated Grades 3-8 English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics programs.
A request has been made to have Questar, NYSED's 3-8 ELA and Math vendor, score the YPS open-ended student responses. Vendor scoring will reduce paper use and flow within the District and reduce strain on teacher time for scoring. YPS will audit the vendors' scoring which will provide a reliability check on Professional Development for schools.
Resolution: WHEREAS the YPSD wishes to enter into agreement with Questar Assessment Inc., for scoring services for grades 3-8 ELA and Math State Assessments, and
WHEREAS the YPSD has chosen Questar Assessment, Inc., for their experience and expertise in scoring services and
WHEREAS Questar Assessments, Inc. meets New York State requirements as well as provides superior services for the scoring of large scale assessments, and
WHEREAS the Board of Education wishes to enter into contract for the current school year, and
WHEREAS the District has evaluated past services from the vendor and has determined that Questar Assessment, Inc. has performed in a satisfactory manner,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education and the Superintendent of Schools enter into contract with Questar Assessment, Inc. for these services at a total cost not to exceed $118,808.69.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Carla B. Collins - Executive Director
Signed By:
Roseanne Collins-Judon - Assistant Superintendent
Signed By:
Finance Department - Finance Reviewer
Signed By:
Tom Collich - Purchasing Director
Signed By:
Elizabeth Janocha - Deputy Commissioner
Signed By:
John Liszewski - Commissioner
Signed By:
Michael Curti - Corporation Counsel
Signed By:
Dr._Andrea_S. Coddett - Deputy Superintendent
Signed By:
Dr. Edwin M. Quezada - Superintendent of Schools
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Edgar Santana Moved, Member Kevin Cacace seconded to approve the Original motion 'WHEREAS the YPSD wishes to enter into agreement with Questar Assessment Inc., for scoring services for grades 3-8 ELA and Math State Assessments, and
WHEREAS the YPSD has chosen Questar Assessment, Inc., for their experience and expertise in scoring services and
WHEREAS Questar Assessments, Inc. meets New York State requirements as well as provides superior services for the scoring of large scale assessments, and
WHEREAS the Board of Education wishes to enter into contract for the current school year, and
WHEREAS the District has evaluated past services from the vendor and has determined that Questar Assessment, Inc. has performed in a satisfactory manner,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education and the Superintendent of Schools enter into contract with Questar Assessment, Inc. for these services at a total cost not to exceed $118,808.69.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 7 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 7 - 0
Dr. Rosalba Corrado Del Vecchio     Yes
Kevin Cacace     Yes
Andrea Brown     Yes
Pasquale Mondesando     Yes
Edgar Santana     Yes
Rev. Steve Lopez     Yes
Dr._Nader_J. Sayegh     Yes