Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 7/17/2019 - 6:30 PM
Type: Action
Subject: 11.2 2019-2020 Religious Observance Dates
District Goals:
Goal 6
To commit to fiscal accountability.
Enclosure 2019-2020 Religious Observance Days that fall on Regular Days of Instruction.
File Attachment:
Dr Cole- Religious holidays memo.pdf
Resolution: WHEREAS based on New York State requirements for State Aid, all religious holidays where students are allowed approved absences must be officially recognized by the Board of Education Trustees. To comply, a list of state approved religious holidays, other than those observed and documented on the 2019-2020 districtwide School Calendar, are being submitted for approval, and

WHEREAS the Superintendent of Schools has prepared the attached list of religious observance days for the Yonkers Public Schools, for the school year 2019-2020, based on dates obtained from the Interfaith Calendar.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Education approves and adopts the attached list, for the Yonkers Public Schools, for the 2019-2020 school year.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Edwin M. Quezada - Superintendent of Schools
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Dr._Ammir Rabadi Moved, Member Kevin Cacace seconded to approve the Original motion 'WHEREAS based on New York State requirements for State Aid, all religious holidays where students are allowed approved absences must be officially recognized by the Board of Education Trustees. To comply, a list of state approved religious holidays, other than those observed and documented on the 2019-2020 districtwide School Calendar, are being submitted for approval, and

WHEREAS the Superintendent of Schools has prepared the attached list of religious observance days for the Yonkers Public Schools, for the school year 2019-2020, based on dates obtained from the Interfaith Calendar.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Education approves and adopts the attached list, for the Yonkers Public Schools, for the 2019-2020 school year.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 6 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 6 - 0
Kevin Cacace     Yes
Dr. Rosalba Corrado Del Vecchio     Yes
Dr._Ammir Rabadi     Yes
Andrea Brown     Yes
Judith_Ramos Meier     Yes
Rev. Steve Lopez     Yes