Meeting Date:
19.4 Renewal Agreement with eScholar LLC to provide Hosting Services for the Yonkers Level 1 Data Warehouse for 2020-2021 |
District Goals:
Goal 1 To educate all students for academic excellence.
File Attachment:
Department of Research, Evaluation & Reporting-GML 104B 1. eScholar LLC Term:7/1/20-6/30/21 Amount: $146,675.60 Account:450-5260-0000000-1681-B2300 Scope: The District is seeking to renew the competitively bid contract with eScholar LLC to host the District's Data Warehouse as the Level 1 Repository for individual student records starting in 2006 through the present plus demographic and assessment data (New York State Testing Program and Standardized tests) from previous years. The required data elements include student, program participation, assessment, special education, course, grades and teacher evaluation data. Data reporting for BEDS and various instructional and funded programs are now processed through the repository. Beyond mandates, the repository can include a full spectrum of student, school, staff and District data elements, both current and historical to address District information needs beyond that which New York State requires. The contract, as previously amended, includes electronic accountability reports from the New York State Level 2 Data warehouse directly available to Building Administrators. These Level 2 reports (L2RPT) have enhanced building-level security that makes it possible for each school to access summary as well as individual student data for their school only. The electronic reports are available at a secure site hosted by eScholar as an extension of the hosted Level 1 Data Warehouse. |
450-5260-0000000-1681-B2300 (General Funds) |
WHEREAS a Data Warehouse is an information tool essential for the managing and reporting of academic and accountability information, and, WHEREAS New York State requires all Districts to maintain a Data Warehouse (a Level 1 Repository System) for mandated reporting of student assessment, academic, program participation, and staff information, and, WHEREAS the existing Yonkers Data Warehouse is our Level 1 Repository in the New York State Repository System, and, WHEREAS the Yonkers Level 1 Repository includes the capability to maintain additional data domains and data elements to meet District information and reporting needs beyond those required for the State Repository System, and, WHEREAS eScholar has enhanced their service to the District to include District based reporting and verification capability and provides access to the New York State Level 2 Repository report services known as L2RPT with building level security, and, WHEREAS New York State will make available reports with building level security that will allow each Building Administrator to access summary and student detail reports for their own school and, WHEREAS the District has evaluated past services from the vendor and has determined that eScholar LLC has performed in a satisfactory manner. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education hereby authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to enter into a renewal contract for hosting services with eScholar LLC at a total cost not to exceed $146,675.60. |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
Kelly Fant-Turner - Clerk II Data Entry |
Signed By: |
Dr. Rachel Cole - Executive Director |
Signed By: |
Dr. Fenix Arias - Manager of Administration |
Signed By: |
Tom Collich - Purchasing Director |
Signed By: |
Finance Department - Finance Reviewer |
Signed By: |
Elizabeth Janocha - Deputy Commissioner |
Signed By: |
John Liszewski - Commissioner |
Signed By: |
Matthew Gallagher - Corporation Counsel |
Signed By: |
Dr._Andrea_S. Coddett - Deputy Superintendent |
Signed By: |
Dr. Edwin M. Quezada - Superintendent of Schools |
Vote Results:
Original Motion | Member Dr. Rosalba Corrado Del Vecchio Moved, Member Dr. John Castanaro seconded to approve the Original motion 'WHEREAS a Data Warehouse is an information tool essential for the managing and reporting of academic and accountability information, and, WHEREAS New York State requires all Districts to maintain a Data Warehouse (a Level 1 Repository System) for mandated reporting of student assessment, academic, program participation, and staff information, and, WHEREAS the existing Yonkers Data Warehouse is our Level 1 Repository in the New York State Repository System, and, WHEREAS the Yonkers Level 1 Repository includes the capability to maintain additional data domains and data elements to meet District information and reporting needs beyond those required for the State Repository System, and, WHEREAS eScholar has enhanced their service to the District to include District based reporting and verification capability and provides access to the New York State Level 2 Repository report services known as L2RPT with building level security, and, WHEREAS New York State will make available reports with building level security that will allow each Building Administrator to access summary and student detail reports for their own school and, WHEREAS the District has evaluated past services from the vendor and has determined that eScholar LLC has performed in a satisfactory manner. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education hereby authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to enter into a renewal contract for hosting services with eScholar LLC at a total cost not to exceed $146,675.60.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 9 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 9 - 0 | | | Dr. John Castanaro | Yes | Abdool H. Jamal | Yes | Dr._Edward Fergus | Yes | Dr. Rosalba Corrado Del Vecchio | Yes | Dr._Ammir Rabadi | Yes | Kevin Cacace | Yes | Andrea Brown | Yes | Rev. Steve Lopez | Yes | Judith_Ramos Meier | Yes | |