Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
6/19/2019 - 7:00 PM  
21.46 Project Labor Agreement (“PLA”)  
District Goals:
File Attachment:
Project Labor Agreement (“PLA”)  
WHEREAS, the Yonkers Public Schools have a compelling interest in ensuring that large construction projects that it directly undertakes are performed promptly, at a responsible cost and with the highest degree of quality;

WHEREAS, the Yonkers Public Schools seek to promote meaningful job opportunities for its graduates;

WHEREAS, the employment of apprentices and/or pre-apprentices in such contracts can maintain reasonable costs while providing valuable and rewarding work opportunities for new workers;

WHEREAS, a Project Labor Agreement (“PLA”) is a comprehensive agreed upon pre-hire collective bargaining agreement that sets the basic terms and conditions for labor practices for a given project; and

WHEREAS, PLAs provide Yonkers Public Schools with a guarantee that construction projects are completed with a highly skilled diverse workforce;

WHEREAS, highly skilled workforce ensures the efficient, economical and safe completion of contracts as described above;

WHEREAS, the benefits received by contractors regulated by this ordinance will create opportunities to employ a substantial number of apprentices, thus ensuring that these projects will expand access to living wage careers in the construction trades for a new generation of workers, and

WHEREAS, a local federally registered apprenticeship and/or pre-apprenticeship program(s) offers access to large numbers of long-term living wage careers in the construction trades; and

WHEREAS, PLAs can help facilitate career opportunities for graduates of the Yonkers Public Schools and the local workforce; and

WHEREAS, PLAs promote cost-effective, timely, and safe construction and project delivery; and

WHEREAS, PLAs establish uniform terms and conditions of employment for the contractors and construction trades employees working on a project, integrate work schedules, and standardize work rules for a project, thereby resulting in a well-coordinated, efficiently functioning construction worksite that will minimize delays; and

WHEREAS, PLAs can provide efficiencies and savings for Yonkers Public Schools construction projects; and

WHEREAS, it is important that Yonkers Public School construction projects are completed in as efficient a manner as possible to accommodate the use of the school facilities for the growing student population;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Education shall perform the mandated PLA analysis under Labor Law Section 222 and shall utilize PLAs for any appropriate construction project with a projected cost exceeding One Million Five Hundred Thousand ($1,500,000.00) Dollars.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
John Carr - Executive Director
Signed By:  
Finance Department - Finance Reviewer
Signed By:  
Tom Collich - Purchasing Director
Signed By:  
Elizabeth Janocha - Deputy Commissioner
Signed By:  
John Liszewski - Commissioner
Signed By:  
Matthew Gallagher - Corporation Counsel
Signed By:  
Dr._Andrea_S. Coddett - Deputy Superintendent
Signed By:  
Dr. Edwin M. Quezada - Superintendent of Schools
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Kevin Cacace Moved, Member Dr._Ammir Rabadi seconded to approve the Original motion 'WHEREAS, the Yonkers Public Schools have a compelling interest in ensuring that large construction projects that it directly undertakes are performed promptly, at a responsible cost and with the highest degree of quality;

WHEREAS, the Yonkers Public Schools seek to promote meaningful job opportunities for its graduates;

WHEREAS, the employment of apprentices and/or pre-apprentices in such contracts can maintain reasonable costs while providing valuable and rewarding work opportunities for new workers;

WHEREAS, a Project Labor Agreement (“PLA”) is a comprehensive agreed upon pre-hire collective bargaining agreement that sets the basic terms and conditions for labor practices for a given project; and

WHEREAS, PLAs provide Yonkers Public Schools with a guarantee that construction projects are completed with a highly skilled diverse workforce;

WHEREAS, highly skilled workforce ensures the efficient, economical and safe completion of contracts as described above;

WHEREAS, the benefits received by contractors regulated by this ordinance will create opportunities to employ a substantial number of apprentices, thus ensuring that these projects will expand access to living wage careers in the construction trades for a new generation of workers, and

WHEREAS, a local federally registered apprenticeship and/or pre-apprenticeship program(s) offers access to large numbers of long-term living wage careers in the construction trades; and

WHEREAS, PLAs can help facilitate career opportunities for graduates of the Yonkers Public Schools and the local workforce; and

WHEREAS, PLAs promote cost-effective, timely, and safe construction and project delivery; and

WHEREAS, PLAs establish uniform terms and conditions of employment for the contractors and construction trades employees working on a project, integrate work schedules, and standardize work rules for a project, thereby resulting in a well-coordinated, efficiently functioning construction worksite that will minimize delays; and

WHEREAS, PLAs can provide efficiencies and savings for Yonkers Public Schools construction projects; and

WHEREAS, it is important that Yonkers Public School construction projects are completed in as efficient a manner as possible to accommodate the use of the school facilities for the growing student population;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Education shall perform the mandated PLA analysis under Labor Law Section 222 and shall utilize PLAs for any appropriate construction project with a projected cost exceeding One Million Five Hundred Thousand ($1,500,000.00) Dollars.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 6 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 6 - 0
Dr._Ammir Rabadi     Yes
Andrea Brown     Yes
Kevin Cacace     Yes
Dr. Rosalba Corrado Del Vecchio     Yes
Rev. Steve Lopez     Yes
Judith_Ramos Meier     Yes